Hi, everyone. Just wanted to let ya’ll know what’s up. I am going back to the Pacific Crest Trail. Maybe you already expected that. My permitted start date is July 28. I will return to Old Station, California, where I started my hike north last June. This year I will be going south to Mexico.

Friends on the horizon
A few folks have said they might like to join me on the trail this year. My good friends, Dwayne and Lisa, have made plans to join me for a few days in the Sierra. I am super excited for that. It will be so much fun. The other friend is Keith. We know each other from work and had shared season tickets for the Orlando Magic for years. Keith is from Utah and he has hiked many miles in the Utah wilderness. If things work out, Keith may spend the first few weeks with me in Northern California. In the meantime, he has been training and testing equipment in preparation. Together we are going to hike a segment of the Appalachian trail in May. More on that later.
Personal preparations
I, too, have some work to do before then. I have a new shelter that needs testing. And I need to see if my PCT backpack can comfortably carry a bear canister. The AT segment will be a good opportunity to do both of those things.
Closer to home, I need to get my body into shape. That means carrying around a full pack for at least half a day on several days within the same week. There is a park close to my home that is perfect for this kind of hiking practice: Beck’s Ranch Park.
Florida hiking

The park has two primary trails. The first goes down to the St. John’s River. The other loops through a typical Florida scrub forest. The park has a cooperative arrangement with some local ranchers, so you will run into some cows out there. Oh, and watch your step.

My favorite hike is the one to the St. John’s River. There is a little shelter along the water that is perfect for resting or having lunch whether you are hiking or boating.

I love hiking in Florida. Its ecosystems are unlike anything else in the US. And because it is flat and sparsely forested, you will enjoy the occasional panorama. Am I starting to sound like a tourism commercial? Sorry. But nothing compares to Florida skies.

Over the next few days, I will begin posting my AT section hike. Hope you enjoy it.
Glad you are able to get back out there. Excited to get updates on this year’s journey!
I also love Florida skies! You are right, western skies do not compare. Florida bugs, though . . . .
I am looking forward to all your updates!
Hi Dave-Looking forward to hearing your adventure stories!! Take care and stay safe!😊👍
Teresa Atwell 🎶🎶
Great that you’re back. We’re with you!
Thanks for the update. We are looking forward to joining you in spirit. Be safe.
Wishing you an adventurous but safe journey! I look forward to reading your stories of people you meet and seeing your pretty flower photos.
Yay! Excited for the next installment!! Good luck on the AT, Dave!