F uphill with burned log foreground
Last night I slept well. The river lulled me to sleep, it’s passing like the tremulous hiss of a drummer’s brush on snare. I did awaken several times. But when I did the river hushed me asleep again. Like a page from that classic childrens book Goodnight Moon – “and the rushing river said ‘hush’”.
I awaken minutes before the alarm went off at 5:15. I want to start while it is still sort of cool – although it never did get cool last night. I slept in just my shorts with no covers on most of the night. Before leaving camp I walk over to where Todd is breaking down his tent. I thank him for redirecting me yesterday. I know I will see him at some point today. He is going my way.

From the bridge I can see my campsite behind the dark trees on the left side of the river.

It really an impressive foot bridge. It’s sole purpose is for PCT hikers.

I don’t know why, but everything is a little foggy this morning – my head, the air, the photos. Someone passing me says something about the humidity. I guess that could be it. I am sweating more than ever. I am going to have to be careful this morning. These are the conditions that knocked me off the trail on day two. Rest often. Stay hydrated. Stay out of the sun. I have no control over the sun, but the other two I can do. I am climbing over 5000 feet today. I hope the air gets clearer and cooler soon.
I mention yesterday about the bumblebees. They don’t return to a hive at night. They just fall asleep on the last flower they land on. I see this one napping on a thistle beside the trail.

Although I am focused on hiking I can’t resist snapping this photo. The morning light is so beautiful.

I am in another world when something grabs ahold of my pack and won’t let go. I can’t move forward and then SNAP! A branch breaks behind me. Shit! I had been walking with my visor down because of the sun in my eyes and I walked under a Tim Burton tree (my term). It gouged my foam pad which sits on top of my pack.
Tim Burton is that director that made Edward Scissorhands, A Nightmare before Christmas, and several other goth-inspired movies. They all have these bent bare trees in them that look like they want to grab you. Here is the one that grabbed me.

And here is the damage to my pad. The tear went through two layers!

I am still stewing about this when I see two squirrels fighting. (I never know for sure.) I stop to watch them when 12 feet in front of me a big pine cone falls onto the trail from the tree. This is one of those monster cones I showed you a few days ago except this one is green and weighs about a pound. If it had landed on me…

So I start thinking. Which moment introduced the delay that kept me from getting beaned? This is a convoluted mind game and it will drive you crazy if you let it because it involves, fate, free will, divine providence, etc. and OMG can I please just hike!
A few minutes later, I see this on the trail. Oh well, you just gotta laugh.

The relentless up
This ascent will not end. I mean it’s not the steepest climb. Not even close. But it just goes on and on.

There are some nice moments.

I take a few minutes to fix my pad. I use duct tape (what else?) It will hold, but it may cause tears around the repair because the foam is weaker than the tape. I will have to be even more gentle with this pad from now on.

Burn Management
I walk some ridges on the way up. Normally this would be fun. There is a nice breeze for sure, but the trail is a mess. You see the top of this ridge has been bulldozed for a fire break. To make a fire break you knock down a wide line of trees to keep fire from jumping across it. If a real fire were to break out, the fire service could even start a back fire from the fire break to deprive the forest fire of fuel. It’s all pretty dicey business, but it really spoils the hiking – all this moving in and out of the break with all the downed trees, tire ruts and dug up earth. Two views of the break.

By the end of the day, I need a break. My brain is fried. There is this yellow goey thing on the side of the trail. I have no idea. Fungus? Deer barf? A hikers brain? If someone knows, please tell me.

What I really need is to have a nice chat with someone and then these two show up at my last water stop. Their names are Jake the Snake and Rainbow. They are nobos with plans to skip ahead. There are several good reasons to skip, and we discuss many of them. I tell them about good things to see in Oregon and Washington. Right now they just want to get to Quincy. I wish them well.

Seeing those too makes me feel a little lonely. I know what this means. It means my blood sugar is low and I need to eat something. I eat some cheese crackers and in no time I start feeling better.
“What seems to be the problem, David?” “I’ve been really depressed lately, doctor.” “I see. I’m going to give you a prescription for cheese crackers.” “Thank you, doctor. Thank you.”
- August 6
- Starting marker: 1249.8
- Ending marker: 1232.1
- Miles hiked today: 18
- Total miles hiked: 122
- What day is it today? Hump Day. For me hump day is the middle day between town stops.
Love your blog!
Happy Hump day! Following you on ptac.org maps. Looks like you are on one of many white spurs. 8/6. Love the Blog.
Looks like you headed East all this day.
Hump Day was very entertaining. What a philosophical delimma- lumps on your head or in your foam!
Looks like “scrambled egg fungus”. You see it occasionally here in Florida. Spores are the true world travelers.
I am glad that you escaped the Tim Burton tree and avoided getting hit on the head with a giant pine cone. Beautiful pictures