I am in Bend. It is like a rural version of Portland. Weird, but in a good way. The town is kind of sprawling with cultural and economic centers distributed throughout the city.
Since the hostel was full when I arrived, they offered me the “dirtbag” special. Under that deal I get all normal privileges except I have to sleep in a hammock outside the privacy fence in the weed smokers area. Here is what that looks like.

It seemed fine except it is Summer Fest in Bend, and the town is getting wound up for a big rave tonight. I didn’t know that raves were still a thing, but this is Bend. Everyone in the hostel is talking about it. I stay up late and then go to the hammock. It is not that comfortable for sleeping. I wear all my clothes and try to wrap my quilt all the way around me, but it is not big enough. People walk by me all night. I wonder if they even know I’m there.
Then at about 2 am I hear this woman pleading with someone. “Open the door. Come on now, let me in. I want to cuddle with you. Open up. I’m getting mad now. I want to cuddle.” I am, well, I don’t know what I am feeling. It is definitely unusual, and I don’t want to be involved. But I am kind of curious. Later I see a person is in another hammock near me. When did they get here? I check to see if my pack is still sitting on the ground under me. Yep. Try to sleep.
Worship calls
In the morning I make waffles in the kitchen and work on my blog. It dawns on me that it is Sunday, so I search for churches in the area. There is an Episcopal Church a mile from me. I dash down there just in time for the Eucharist. I think I make quite a sight. But the people are welcoming and I introduce myself as the deacon of St. Matthew’s. Some folks look skeptical.

Welcome arrivals
I go back to the hostel and guess who shows up? The enigmatic Bram! We are surprised to see each other, but pleased also. Bram and I take care of some chores and go to REI together. I get some shoes with better cushioning – the Altra Timps. Not long after that Levon arrives! We are all staying here tonight in bunks. Tomorrow they are taking the bus to Government Camp and thus skipping around the damaged parts of the trail. They will get back on the trail from there. But, for now, it is so great to be with friends. We go out for Italian food.

Then we hang out in the beer garden before bed.

We are all normal guests tonight. For me, this means an upgrade. I can now sleep in a room with five other people. Hurray! It’s not as bad as you might think. I mean, you are just sleeping there. And the price is super reasonable. Here is what a room looks like.

My bunk is at the bottom right. The window was open near me and nobody was rude or snored that I could tell. It was actually rather cozy. I just wore my hiking shorts to bed as I do every night.
Tonight I will sleep at the Days Inn and be returned to the trail by a trail angel in the morning. Before then I have to get groceries for resupply and finish three more posts. Then it’s back to the trail. In three days I will be back in Bend for one night so I can get a ride around the damaged parts of the trail. That part of my plan is still sketchy. But I have some options.
- July 11 & 12
- Starting mile: 1982
- Ending mile: 1982
- Daily PCT miles: 0
- Total PCT miles: 610
- Animals: Ravers
I hope you found Bend welcoming enough. It’s a super fun little town. We just moved from there to the other side of the mountains in Springfield. If you pass back through the Central OR area, let me know! I’m new to this hiking/trail angel thing, but would love to support you however I can, if needed. Happy trekking!
Somewhere you forgot to mention you went shopping while leaving your money in the hostel 😁
I had a great time hanging out with you and Levon! Yesterday Levon and I ended up camping at the same spot, between White Pass and Snoqualmie Pass. The PCT world is a small place!
Oh you just had to bring that up! Drop me a text and let me know how conditions are up there. I will be in White Pass in 5 days.